CFP: Innovation, Market, and Organisations (IJTE)

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Thu Jun 14 15:51:33 CEST 2007

Call for Papers - International Journal of Technoentrepreneurship (IJTE)
Special Issue on: "Innovation, Market, and Organisations"
Guest Editors: Srikanth Paruchuri, University of Florida, USA
Deadline: 31 January 2008

The goal of this special issue is to attract research and papers on the
important topic of the interaction between innovation, market and
organisation. Some time ago, Schumpeter posed an important question
about the organisational origin of innovation: do innovations originate
in small or large firms?

Prior research has examined if competence-destroying (and
competence-enhancing) innovations are generated in small, innovative
firms or in large firms. While this research is mostly geared toward
understanding the origins of innovation, it has given much less
importance to another critical link, i.e. that many of the founders of
the small firms would have gained expertise by working in large
organisations (or academic institutions) just before (or while) starting
their venture. In some cases of new ventures, these same large
organisations (or academic institutions) even play an important role by
financing the ventures. These issues suggest a much more complicated
interaction between innovation, market, and organisation.

This special issue aims to extend our understanding of these complex
issues. To this end, we invite papers that try to uncover these
complicated relations. We interpret 'innovations' to include wide range:
product, process, service, organisational, and technological
innovations. We invite papers that study these relations at various
levels of analysis including team, organisation, industry, and
population. We also invite research that uses R&D consortia, alliances
and joint ventures as links between innovations and organizations.

Taking into consideration the international readership, we invite
research based in diverse empirical settings. These settings could be
based within a national boundary or across different national
boundaries. Studies could compare and contrast different cultures of
innovation and entrepreneurship, or focus on a specific context and
explore rich relationships within that context.

Considering there is so little in the practical world to guide managers,
this special issue is also intended to influence the practice of
management. Consequently, we invite research that is grounded solidly in
theory (and in empirical methodology for empirical papers), and also
request the authors to highlight the implications for managers.
Specifically, authors should shed light on the principles of management
that their research contributes.

Subject Coverage

Papers may include either theoretical or empirical research. Suitable
themes in this issue include but are not limited to the following:

* Do innovations follow or precede venture formation?
* Do entrepreneurs' prior organisations finance new ventures? If so,
what are the antecedents and consequences of this financing?
* How do ventures develop their own research capabilities independent of
their founders' capabilities? Is this process influenced by venture's
relationships with other organisations?
* What role do R&D consortia, alliances and joint ventures play in
generating innovations within a new venture? And, are these roles of
consortia, alliances, and joint ventures different when a large firm
forms these ties?

Editors and Notes

On-line Submission is our preferred route; please use it if at all
possible. However, if you experience any problems submitting papers in
this way, or require further information about the special issue, please

Srikanth Paruchuri
University of Florida
Department of Management
P O Box 117165
Gainesville, FL 32611
Email: paruchur at

More info at

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