CFP: Broadening the Scope of Open Innnovation (IJTM)

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Fri May 25 09:54:29 CEST 2007

Call for Papers - International Journal of Technology Management  (IJTM)
Special Issue on: "Broadening the Scope of Open Innovation"
Deadline: 1 October 2007

Guest Editors:
Oliver Gassmann, University of St.Gallen (HSG), Switzerland
Wim Vanhaverbeke, Hasselt University & Eindhoven University of
Technology, The Netherlands
Vareska van de Vrande, Eindhoven University of Technology, The

Henry Chesbrough coined the term 'Open Innovation' to indicate how large
companies combine externally and internally developed technologies in a
flexible way to develop new businesses. Since then, there has been an
increased awareness and interest of both practitioners and researchers
into the concept of Open Innovation.

Open Innovation was originally applied to external corporate venturing,
new business development, spin-ins and spin-offs, but it has many other
potential application fields. Scholars are nowadays broadening the scope
and deepening our understanding of Open Innovation. There is a growing
need integrate Open Innovation into the mainstream management literature
and to link it to concepts such as absorptive capacity, dynamic
capabilities, competence building, etc. The growing range of application
fields requires an integrative framework to link these different areas
to each other. Finally, Open Innovation management has proven to be
difficult as most companies are not experienced with the management of
external relationships. Despite the growing efforts to explore Open
Innovation practices and their impact on firms' innovation performance,
many managerial questions remain unanswered.

This special issue aims to stimulate the ongoing debate on Open
Innovation and advance our understanding of open innovation as a field
of research. Submissions are invited from both practitioners and
management researchers and they may be purely theoretical or based on
empirical research.

Subject Coverage

Topics include, but are not limited to, the following:

* The organisation of open innovation practices inside the firm
* What are the processes and mechanisms through which internal
innovation is commercialised outside the firm?
* How do external sources of innovation enter the firm?
* The added-value of open innovation practices for all parties involved
* How is cooperation with universities, research institutes,
competitors, and/or consumers organised?
* Open source as an open innovation strategy
* IP management in a world of open innovation
* How do IP rights affect open innovation practices?
* What is the role of the government in stimulating open innovation?
* How much open innovation vs. closed innovation does a company need?
* Industry and product specifics on open innovation impact
* Potentials of inter-organisational networks for open innovation
* Innovation controlling of open innovation activities (e.g. key
performance indicators, controlling instruments)
* Company's capabilities to profit from open innovation
* How to link open innovation to capability building and corporate
strategy processes?
* How to create and capture value in Open Innovation?
* What is the role of business models, organisation structure and
corporate culture in developing efficient innovation practices?

Important Dates

Deadline for submission of manuscripts: 1 October 2007
Notification of acceptance/rejection to authors: 1 January 2008
Submission of final manuscript: 1 March 2008

More info at

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