CFP: ABEAI Conference - Track on "Innovation and Entrepreneurship"

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Wed Apr 18 10:49:15 CEST 2007

Call for Papers - ABEAI Conference
Track on "Innovation and Entrepreneurship"
Deadline: 18 June 2007

The Applied Business and Entrepreneurship Association International
sponsors the annual ABEAI Conference. The forum provides an opportunity
for the exchange of research and ideas among faculty members, students,
scholars, and practitioners in business and entrepreneurship. Doctoral
students are especially encouraged to participate. ABEAI provides the
following opportunities for participating scholars:

* The ABEAI conference 2007 will be held in Maui Hawai'i, November
* All accepted papers are double blind reviewed and will be published in
the Electronic Conference Proceedings.
* ABEAI Conference Best Papers may be submitted for publication in the
special issue of the Indian Journal of Economics and Business
(, indexed by the Journal of Literature (JEL), Econlit (on
line), and Cabell.

Track on "Innovation and Entrepreneurship"

This track serves as an opportunity for presentation and discussion of
research in the area of innovation and entrepreneurship. At the
beginning of the 21st century the agenda for business and
entrepreneurship is characterized by fundamental social, ecological and
economic challenges. On a global scale, their sheer dimension and
complex dynamics come to a head and put increasing pressure on all
relevant actors.

Institutional leaders and policy makers around the world increasingly
view entrepreneurship as a key factor to establish innovative answers to
the world's most pressing problems on a local, regional as well as on a
global level. Entrepreneurs have been defined as personalities taking
individual responsibility in realizing innovative ideas. The knowledge
based economy creates ample opportunities for innovators to build
sustainable networks and bring revolutionary techno-logic-al and social
ideas to life.

There has been a simultaneous growth in interest by academics in
studying the unfolding social and economic change. Research in this area
has not only attempted to examine the characteristics of the individuals
acting as entrepreneurial innovators, but has also sought to
characterize different types of start-ups and the environment which can
lead to the development of innovative business concepts as well as
increased economic competitiveness.


This track aims at bringing together applied research activities in this
important area which build on solid theoretical underpinnings.
Conceptual papers on all aspects of innovation and entrepreneurship are
welcome as well as quantitative and qualitative empirical work.
Centering on the role of entrepreneurship in the innovation process, we
are particularly interested in papers addressing the role of
entrepreneurs as change agents longing to establish a sustainable future
for human society. Besides the creation of new firms or the development
of "entrepreneurial" personalities, entrepreneurship is also viewed as
the management of existing resources, the formation and development of
innovative organizational forms, and the entrepreneurial responses of
individuals, groups and organizations to technological, ecological and
social change in a more general sense.

Therefore, the topics of interest include but are not limited to:

* Innovation Management and Corporate Entrepreneurs
* Social Innovations and Social Entrepreneurs 
* Ecological Innovations and Sustainable Entrepreneurs
* Entrepreneurship and the Creative Class
* Technology Based Entrepreneurship and Innovation
* Knowledge Transfer and the Science-Industry-Link
* Academic Entrepreneurs and Spin off Companies
* Regional Innovation Systems and Entrepreneurship
* Impact of Innovative Start-ups
* Entrepreneurial Management and Diffusion of Business Ideas
* Breaking the Rules in Innovation Marketing
* Customer Driven Innovations

Abstracts of papers on empirical work must include information on the
relevant theories being tested, methodology, data, and (expected)
results. Abstracts should not exceed 300 words.

Papers will be judged on relevance, originality, signific-ance, and

Please submit abstracts of papers and full papers directly to the track

Prof. Dr. oec. Lutz E. Schlange
Swiss Institute for Entrepreneurship <>  
University of Applied Sciences Chur
Comercialstrasse 24, CH-7000 Chur
Lutz.Schlange at <mailto:Lutz.Schlange at> 
tel +41 081 2863966

ABEAI 2007 Hawai'i Key Dates
Paper Abstracts Due: Monday, June 18, 2007
Papers Due: Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Notification of Acceptance: Monday, October 1, 2007
Final Manuscripts Due: Monday, October 15, 2007

Visit the Conference Website at

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