POSITIONS: PhD position - Endowed Chair of Entrepreneurship U of Oldenburg, Germany

entrepreneurship-phd at lists.uni-due.de entrepreneurship-phd at lists.uni-due.de
Mon Apr 2 11:06:03 CEST 2007

The Endowed Chair of Entrepreneurship of the Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg seeks 

1 PhD position
E13 TV-L, 75% of the regular working hours (formerly BAT IIa)

beginning with immediate effect for the length of 2,5 years. 

We are looking for a highly motivated candidate interested in working with a young, dynamic team. The research will focus on entrepreneurship, strategy, organizational behaviour and/or diffusion research. Salary follows the guidelines of the German TVöD-Bund.

Applicants for this PhD position should have an excellent Diploma/Master's degree or equivalent in business studies, industrial engineering, information management, economics, sociology, psychology, mathematics or statistics. Interests in economic research, experience in empirical analysis, advanced IT skills (using SQL, Access, SPSS, Excel etc.), advanced knowledge in multivariate statistics and a good command in English are desirable. Due to the international character of our work, international candidates are especially encouraged to apply.

Interested candidates should submit their curriculum vitae, certificates, and a letter of motivation to:

University of Oldenburg
Fakultät II Institut für Betriebswirtschaftslehre und Wirtschaftspädagogik
Prof. Dr. Alexander Nicolai
26111 Oldenburg

For further information about the position, please contact: 
Prof. Dr. Alexander Nicolai at alexander.nicolai at uni-oldenburg.de.

Deadline for application: April 20th.

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