ANNOUNCE: Entrepreneurship Research: Past Perspectives and Future Prospects

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Thu Mar 15 09:12:31 CET 2007

From: Mike Casey [mailto:mike.casey at] 
Date: Wed 14 March 2007 12:49

Now publishers announces the availablity of 
Foundations and Trends in Entrepreneurship Vol 2 Iss 3

This issue is titled:

Entrepreneurship Research: Past Perspectives and Future Prospects
by Anders Londström and Sune Halvarsson

Includes Contributions from:

A. C. Cooper
The Development of the Field of Entrepreneurship 

W. J. Baumol
Entrepreneurship and Small Business: Toward a Program of Research

D. B. Audretsch
The Entrepreneurial Society

C. Sabel
What to Make of the Changes in Industrial Districts? Three Questions

G. Becattini
Small Business and Entrepreneurship in the thought of Marshall

H. E. Aldrich
Trends and Directions in Entrepreneurship Research

D. Birch
What Have We Learned?

P. D. Reynolds
Understanding Entrepreneurship: Achievements and Opportunities 

W. B. Gartner
A “Critical Mess” Approach to Entrepreneurship Scholarship 

Z. J. Acs
A Formulation of Entrepreneurship Policy

I. C. MacMillan
Social Wealth Creation via Experimental Entrepreneurial Philanthropy 

D. J. Storey
Reflections on Public Policy on Entrepreneurship and SMEs

Subscribers to the journal can access this at:

A printed copy can also be purchased at the special price of Euro 40, plus shipping
using the discount code ENTLIS at:

Mike Casey
now - the essence of knowledge
PO Box 179
2600 AD Delft
The Netherlands

Tel: +31-6-51115274
email: mike.casey at 

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