ANNOUNCE: New PhD Program in Technological Change and Entrepreneurship

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Fri Feb 16 14:31:22 CET 2007

From: Rui Baptista [mailto:rui.baptista at] 
Datee: Fri 16 Feb 2007 14:09

Dear Colleagues,

We are looking for outstanding students to join the new interdisciplinary Ph.D. program in Technological Change and Entrepreneurship (, developed jointly by Carnegie Mellon University, IST-Instituto Superior Tecnico and FCEE-Catholic University in Lisbon. I would like to ask you to consider this initiative if you know students who might have the interest, academic potential, and international perspective to excel in such doctoral program.

The deadline for applications for students beginning in September 2007 is June 1, 2007. Applications received after that will still be considered on an individual basis. Early application is important to secure several available fellowships. The Ph.D. program is open to participants of all nationalities from a variety of disciplines, including engineering, science, economics and business. 

This is an interdisciplinary program focused on technological change and entrepreneurship with a strong research focus, and a global perspective. Upon completion, participants will earn two degrees: one from Carnegie Mellon University, and, depending on their background and focus, one from either the Technical University of Lisbon (UTL) or the Catholic University of Portugal (UCP),. Students will spend year 1 in Lisbon and year 2 at Carnegie Mellon in Pittsburgh and be jointly advised by professors on both sides of the Atlantic.

Further information regarding the program can be found below. Details regarding the program can be found online at 

Please feel free to forward this email on to any interested students, as well as other colleagues, administrators, etc. who might know of, or be able to send this email on to, suitable applicants for the program. 

Thanks for your help in getting the word out on this unique CMU Portugal Ph.D. program Technological Change and Entrepreneurship and don't hesitate to contact me if you want to know more about this initiative. 


Rui Baptista
Instituto Superior Técnico
E-mail: rui.baptista at


The CMU Portugal PhD program in Technological Change and Entrepreneurship

The PhD program in Technological Change and Entrepreneurship has been jointly developed by Carnegie Mellon University and two Portuguese partner institutions: the School of Economics and Management (FCEE) at the Catholic University of Portugal, and the Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) within the Technical University of Lisbon (UTL). The program is funded by the Portuguese government, under a wide-ranging collaboration agreement with Carnegie Mellon University. 

Key characteristics of the program include:

Unique Interdisciplinary Model - A Ph.D. program focused on the study of technology and entrepreneurship dynamics. Open to participants of all nationalities from a variety of disciplines, including engineering, science, economics and business.

Dual Degree Program - Earn a degree by Carnegie Mellon University as well as one by either the Technical University of Lisbon (UTL) or the Catholic University of Portugal (UCP)

CMU-Portugal Partnership - Carnegie Mellon brings vast experience in cross-disciplinary collaboration around the world and innovative approaches to technology issues. The program is part of a broad Government sponsored long-term partnership with several Portuguese universities with the goal of stimulating research and development activities and fostering scientific and technological skills at the highest levels.

Global Learning Environment - Students will take courses and develop their research in both Pittsburgh and in Lisbon and establish research links with institutions and people from around the world. The language of instruction is English. 

Student Support. Financial support is available to most students enrolled in the program who maintain good standing. Extensive resources are devoted to developing both world-class research and a unique multidisciplinary learning experience. Five students are expected to be admitted each year, in order that students can benefit from individual attention from faculty members from the outset of the program.

The following website provides further information regarding the CMU Portugal PhD program in Technological Change and Entrepreneurship, including admission requirements, application procedures, and the partner schools. 

More info at

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