CFP: "Management in SMEs and New Ventures" (ICSB Track)

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Fri Dec 1 16:52:09 CET 2006

From: Dr. Sascha Kraus [mailto:kraus at] 
Date: Tue 30 Nov 2006 18:30

Dr. Sascha Kraus & Dr. Matthias Fink: Management in SMEs and New
Call for papers for the ICSB World Conference
(13-15/06/2007, Turku/Finland)
Deadline: January 20, 2007.

Track "Management in SMEs and New Ventures"

As Welsh & White already noticed in 1981, "a small business is not a
little big business". In that respect, management in SMEs (and new
ventures as a sub-group thereof) is different to management in larger
enterprises with their already established concepts and instruments.
Management can be seen as a set of tools to reduce complexity of big
business units to a level that makes it possible for the manager to act.
>From this perspective, one could argue that in small enterprises such
management instruments are unneeded, as, due to a generic lower
complexity in smaller business units, the entrepreneur can act on a gut
level. This implies that Small Business Management is not a downsized
Big Business Management, but a flexible and easy handed set of tools
supporting the entrepreneur at taking the optimal decisions.

In the view of the high importance of SMEs in economies worldwide, it
becomes inevitable to investigate the underlying mechanisms and
practices of management in these companies. In our track, we aim at
bundling research activities on this important topic to generate a
contemporary body of knowledge and topics for future research.

The authors of the best papers of this track will receive the
opportunity to publish in a book edited by the track chairs to be
submitted to Routledge
(Taylor & Francis Group Ltd) Publishing. We encourage researchers to
present their ideas and concepts on the theoretical foundation and the
empirically induced design of management in SMEs and new ventures.
Innovative work that challenges mainstream literature is welcome.

Possible topics might include, but are not limited to:
* Business Plans and their Evolution in SME Development
* Consulting and Interim Management in SMEs
* Coordination Mechanisms and SME performance
* Human Resource Management in SMEs and New Ventures
* Internationalization of SMEs
* Management Instruments and/or Business Acumen
* Management of Innovation in New Ventures
* Management and Diffusion of Business Ideas
* Management of Outsourcing
* Managerial Practices in Professional Service SMEs
* Marketing in SMEs: Breaking the Rules
* New Venture Strategies
* Planning in SMEs and New Ventures

Truly innovative research is appreciated. Papers can be purely
theoretical or theory-driven empirical work (quantitative or
qualitative). Abstracts on empirical work must include information on
the relevant theories being tested, methodology, data, and (expected)
results. Papers will be judged on significance, originality, relevance,
and clarity. Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection by
February 28, 2007.

Please use the official ICSB conference homepage for the submission of
your 500-1000 word abstracts following these instructions:

Deadline is: January 20, 2007.

Dr. Sascha Kraus
- Asst. Prof. -
University of Oldenburg, Germany
sascha.kraus at

Dr. Matthias Fink
- Asst. Prof. -
Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration, Austria
matthias.fink at

More info at

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