CFP: Networks of SMEs and Globalisation (IJGSB)

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Thu Nov 23 12:36:36 CET 2006

Call For Papers
International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business  (IJGSB)
Special Issue on: "Networks of SMEs and Globalisation"
Guest Editors: Luca Dezi and Francesco Schiavone, University Parthenope
of Naples, Italy
Deadline: 15 February 2007

In the third millennium, companies have, by necessity, to arrange a
large number of links with their external environment in order to
achieve a sustainable competitive advantage. Cooperation and external
agreements are in fact crucial for firms to both achieve resources,
competencies and knowledge, not internally hold and to acquire new
customers. In other words, external relations of firms are a very
relevant source of their competitiveness and survival. This assumption
shapes the present historical phase of capitalism, in which the 'network
paradigm' is the dominant model of business management and governance
for both large and small companies. In particular, one of the present
main problems for small companies' networks is to face globalisation and
international dynamics of markets.

We invite contributions to a special issue of IJGSB that attempt to
relate the networks of small firms with globalisation. Many networks of
SMEs (e.g. industrial districts) indeed see this process as both a
threat for their traditional business and an opportunity of
international growth and development. In this context, the goal of this
special issue is to collect a number of valuable papers analysing more
'sides' of this interesting and new dynamic interaction among networks
of small companies and global markets and competitors.

Subject Coverage

Both theoretical and research papers are welcomed. Topics that would be
considered for publication include but are not limited to:

* International evolution of networks of SMEs
* Networks of firms and their competitive advantage within a globalised
* The value of human capital for networks of SMEs within a globalised
* Knowledge creation in networks and its international spread
* Organisational change in internationalising networks of SMEs
* Cross-cultural management of internationalising networks of SMEs
* Knowledge transfer in international firms networks
* International value-chains and local systems of innovation
* Internationalisation of local networks of SMEs
* Local small companies and global markets
* Global markets, regional development and industrial clusters
* FDI and rise of SMEs clusters in emerging countries
* International growth of family businesses
* Effects of globalisation on competitiveness of SMEs networks
* ICT, globalisation and SMEs

Important Dates

Submission of extended abstracts (max. 500 words) : 15 February 2007
Notification of acceptance of abstracts : 28 February 2007
Submission of full papers following acceptance of abstracts : 30 April
Notification of acceptance, refusal or revision of full papers : 30 June
Submission of accepted and revisited final papers : 31 July 2007

Editors and Notes

You may send one copy in the form of an MS Word file attached to an
e-mail (details in Author Guidelines) to both the following:

Francesco Schiavone
Department of Business Studies
University Parthenope of Naples
Via Medina 40
80133 Naple
Email: networksandglobalisation at

with a copy to:

IEL Editorial Office
E-mail: ijgsb at

Please include in your submission the title of the Special Issue, the
title of the Journal and the name of the Guest Editor.

More info at

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