REMINDER: 3rd Annual Global Entrepreneurship Research Conference in San Francisco

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Wed Nov 15 09:16:20 CET 2006

San Francisco-Silicon Valley Global Entrepreneurship Research
Conference, March 28 - 31, 2007 in San Francisco, California - organized
by the University of San Francisco School of Business and Management
Entrepreneurship Program and the Hong Kong University of Science and
Technology School of Business. Conference paper submission deadline is
December 1, 2006.
Located in the heart of San Francisco, the San Francisco-Silicon Valley
Global Entrepreneurship Research Conference will commence with research paper
and panel presentations on March 28 and 29 and move on to a highly
energetic international business plan competition on March 30 and 31
that feature's many top silicon valley venture capitalist and executive
judges. The conference is organized by the University of San Francisco
School of Business and Management Entrepreneurship Program and the Hong
Kong University of Science and Technology School of Business. The best
papers will be considered for inclusion in the spring issue of the
semi-annual journal, "Silicon Valley Review of Global Entrepreneurship

The inaugural 2006 conference attracted scholars from more than
countries around the world. Please find the 2006 conference program at: 

This year's research conference and the business plan competition will
again provide an opportunity for SCHOLARS, VENTURE CAPITALISTS AND
LEADING ENTREPRENEURIAL EXECUTIVES to learn from each other in both
paper and panel presentations, as well as by participating in a highly
competitive international business plan competition, where conference
participants will have the opportunity to witness graduate student
entrepreneurs from around the world pitch their new venture technology
companies to many of the world's leading venture investors. CNET covered
part of last year's event - link below.
By participating in this conference, attending faculty, deans, and
program directors will also learn many of the mechanics of launching a
business plan competition and entrepreneurship program for their own

Conference co-chairs are Professors Mark Cannce, Roger Chen, and Zhan Li
of the University of San Francisco School of Business and Management. 
Full conference details at:

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