CFP: Contributing to an Entrepreneurial Society (EISB 2007)

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Mon Nov 13 12:08:01 CET 2006

Contributing to an Entrepreneurial Society - EISB Conference 2007
Deadline: 31 January 2007

We invite you to the most important European largest entrepreneurship conference - the Annual EISB Conference in 2007. The 2007 EISB will be held at Faculty of Economics, University in Ljubljana, Slovenia. The conference is scheduled to begin on Wednesday, 12th September and end on Friday, 14th September 2007.

Entrepreneurship is an emerging subject in the entrepreneurship field, attracting the interest of researchers, policy makers and practitioners. What are its important contributions? They include entrepreneurial organizations and enterprising organizations who integrate social and environmental concerns in their business operations and interactions with their stakeholders by adhering to global values such as honesty, fairness, respect, responsibility and compassion towards development of entrepreneurial society.

Key Note Speakers
The conference key note speakers will be world known professors of entrepreneurship and successful entrepreneurs. They will address themes of current state in entrepreneurship; from a theoretical and practical perspective, identify drivers of successful entrepreneurship in the 21st century, and what can be learnt from international stories of entrepreneurship successes and failures.

Conference Themes
Contributions by the authors will be organized in tracks according to questions addressed and type of contribution. Two types of contributions are called for: 
- Academic contributions include research on responsible entrepreneurship practices, research of entrepreneurship in organizational contexts, gender and ethnicity research, research on entrepreneurship education, and research of technology and innovation in entrepreneurship.
- We specifically invite entrepreneurship practitioners' contributions to summarize best practice examples, experiences and other materials forthcoming from their in-situ interactions with entrepreneurs.

In academic type of contributions we call for papers involving theoretical evaluation, qualitative case study and quantitative research. In practitioner type of contributions short summaries of best practices examples and experiences are expected. Implications provided by the conference contributions should be important to academic scholars as well as entrepreneurship practitioners interested in developing concepts and applications for the understanding of entrepreneurship.

Submission process
Authors should submit an unpublished abstract with no more than (3,000 characters).
Abstract may present case studies and reflections from first-hand experience, original research results, or theoretical contribution. Authors should send an unpublished abstract with no more than two pages (3,000 characters) plus complete author's contact information. Do not include references, tables, and the like in the abstract. Authors information should not appear anywhere in the document. Only text (in English) sent electronically in Word will be accepted.
All submitted abstracts will be blind review with two reviewers.

The deadline for abstract submission is 31.1.2007 and full papers should be submitted by 31.5.2007.
Authors will receive notification of the outcome of the abstract review by the conference's Program Committee by April, 1st 2007.

Paper Presentation
Academic papers will be presented in parallel sessions of three papers, and will be chaired. The formal presentation is limited to 20 minutes, leaving 10 minutes time for discussion. The chair will remind the author after 15 minutes of presentation. Papers should follow EFMD presentation standards. Practitioners' contributions will be interactively discussed in organized and self-managed groups.

Program committee
Prof. Maks Tajnikar, EF, dr. Mateja Drnovšek, EF, Prof. Hamid Bouchikhi, director of EISB
To be confirmed: Predlogi: Simon Parker , Paul Verhaegen, other suggestions by EFMD
For more information please contact Virginie Heredia-Rosa: virginie.heredia-rosa at

Conference Fee policy
Authors of accepted papers are considered as normal participants that attend the whole conference and are therefore, expected to pay a fee for their participation in the conference. They are also expected to cover their own accommodation and travel costs. In appreciation of the time and effort they put into preparing their paper and presentation, we are glad to offer them the EFMD member fee (500 EURO). In case the paper will be presented by more than one author, the following rules apply: Full fee for the 1st presenter/author; Reduced fee of 450 EURO for the 2nd presenter/author; Reduced fee of 400 EURO for the 3rd presenter/author and following.

Participants who do not present papers, and come from local development agencies are sponsored reduced rates of 250 EUR..
For more information, please contact Virginie Heredia-Rosa (virginie.heredia-rosa at

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