CFP: Internationalizing Entrepreneurship Education and Training - Conference

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Mon Nov 6 09:07:11 CET 2006

IntEnt 2007 - Internationalizing Entrepreneurship Education and Training Conference
Gdansk University of Technology, Poland, 8-11 July 2007
Deadline: 15th March 2007

Early Call for Papers
The 17th global IntEnt conference will take place in Gdansk, Poland after São Paulo/Brazil, Guildford/UK, Naples/Italy, Grenoble/France, Johore Baharu/Malaysia, Kruger National Park/South Africa, Tampere/Finland, Sofia/Bulgaria, Oestrich-Winkel/Germany, Monterey/USA, Arnhem-Nijmegen/Netherlands, Perth-Bunbury/Australia, Stirling/UK, Vienna/ Austria, Dortmund/Germany and Cambridge/UK.

The Conference
IntEnt is an annual conference for university educators and practitioners to exchange their ideas on research and disseminate their results and experiences in the field of entrepreneurship education and training.

Conference location
IntEnt Conference will take place at the Faculty of Management and Economics, Gdansk University of Technology. Gdansk, home town of the Gdansk University of Technology, as the capital city of the Pomeranian Region is also the economical, scientific and cultural capital of the whole northern Poland. As an old Hanseatic city, Gdansk offers a lot of tourist attractions and unique architecture. The thousand-year-old Gdańsk is considered as the most monument-abounding city of the "Baltic Europe". It is the birth-place of many famous people, including Daniel Fahrenheit, Artur Schopenhauer and Gunter Gras. It is also the place where political and economic transformation of Central and Eastern Europe started, induced by “Solidarity” movement. The leader of “Solidarity”, Lech Walesa, is still one of the active citizens of Gdansk. More information about Gdańsk can be found on the official website of the city:

Gdansk and the two neighbouring cities of Gdynia and Sopot, which are often called "the Triple City or TriCity", offer unforgettable experiences and are places worth visiting. Sopot has a great geographical location as it lies between the beautiful woods of the TriCity Landscape Park, and the numerous sand beaches of the Bay of Gdańsk. Sopot is known for its sanitaria and countless artists and tourists, who visit the city especially during summertime. Gdynia is a young, but quickly expanding harbor city situated just at the seashore, offering many tourist attractions as well as splendid shopping opportunities and a lot of entertainment. Gdynia is the only city in Poland and one of the few in Europe to pride on such a long and accessible seashore. More information about the Tricity can be found on the website:

Conference topics
Submissions for research papers/ workshops/ posters will be welcome on the following or similar topics:
• The impact and effect of entrepreneurship programmes
• Theoretical and methodological approaches in education and entrepreneurship training
• The role of education in the start-up process
• Entrepreneurship Education and incubators
• Entrepreneurship Education and business plan competitions
• Innovative ways of transferring education and training facilities
• Innovative ways of teaching entrepreneur-ship
• The role of Government and the private sector
• Best practice in schools, colleges and universities
• Developing capacity; training the trainers
• The didactic benefits of business simulations, role playing, case studies

Prospective participants
• Researchers, educators and students in entrepreneurship education and training from all over the world, who want to present their research and discuss their findings with other experts
• Representatives of governmental organizations, business and trade associations concerned with development of entrepreneurship throughout education and training
• Government officials concerned with entrepreneurship development, economic policy-making and administration
• Entrepreneurs, consultants and advisors concerned with training the next generation of entrepreneurs
• Suppliers of education and training services
• Publishers of teaching materials and research in the field of entrepreneurship
• All those with an interest in entrepreneurship and its promotion and development

Best Research Paper Award
The “FGF-Best-Paper-Award” (1,000 €URO), sponsored by the Foerderkreis Gruendungs-Forschung, Bonn, Germany, will be given to the best research paper presented by scholars at the conference.

Preliminary deadlines
15th March – abstract submission
1st May – full papers

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