POSITIONS: University of Twente

entrepreneurship-phd at lists.uni-due.de entrepreneurship-phd at lists.uni-due.de
Mon Oct 23 10:41:12 CEST 2006

University of Twente - PhD position ‘Impact of Incubator Support’

The University of Twente is an entrepreneurial research-oriented university, established in Enschede. Divided over 5 faculties the UT offers 20 training programmes ranging from applied physics and public administration to communication and biomedical technology. Research takes place within the context of 6 spearhead institutes and focuses, among other things, on nanotechnology, information and communication technology, biomedical technology, policy studies, human behaviour, mechanics and processes. More than 7000 students and 2700 staff members live, work and recreate at the UT, the only university with its own campus in the Netherlands.

The Faculty of Business, Public Administration and Technology (BBT Faculty) focuses on the programs of Public and Business Administration, Industrial Engineering and Management and Health Sciences. These programs comprise initial Bachelor and Master Programs, post-experience programs and multidisciplinary contract research on several societal themes. The Faculty has currently about 350 employees and 1800 students. NIKOS is the department for Entrepreneurship, International Management, Marketing and Strategic Management (staff). Furthermore NIKOS is the name of the Dutch Institute for Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship; a recognized centre for education, research and business support in the field of knowledge intensive and high tech entrepreneurship. It undertakes work in regional, national and international contexts and is a recognized partner in many international networks. Because of a new European funded project on incubator methods (called NENSI-2) NIKOS has a vacancy for a:

PhD. position (fulltime)
‘Impact of Incubator Support’

Research area and job description

Over the past 30 years, the number of incubators has grown enormously. Regional policy makers often regard incubators and incubation programmes as effective tools to enhance a region’s capacity for entrepreneurship and to accelerate entrepreneurial formation and growth. However, the body of research into incubators is still relatively recent, and especially the area of incubator impact research is understudied. This PhD study will focus on the impact that business support services - provided by incubators – have on the entrepreneurial development of the incubators’ client enterprises. Part of the empirical data will be gathered within the scope of the European NENSI-2 project (North European Network of Service Incubators) that started March 1, 2006 and will last until June 1, 2008, and in which ten incubators (from six different European countries) participate. The research results will also be used to validate and refine the business incubation model on which the NENSI-project is based. Within Nikos a number of incubation programmes are carried out. Part of the Nikos research programme focuses on the impact of these support activities on the starting entrepreneurs and their enterprises. Apart from a better understanding of the mechanisms underlying these support actions, the Nikos research also aims at improving the method, design and effectiveness of business support instruments.


You have at least a master’s degree in a relevant programme field, such as business administration, sociology, regional geography, or economics. A solid and provable background in social research methodology is required. Applicants should be able and willing to collaborate with the international NENSI-partners. You are also able to work both independently as well in a project team and you have good communicative skills.

Appointment and salary

We offer you a very interesting position in a challenging organization and environment. As a PhD. student you will be appointed in a full time position for a total period of four years, with an assessment after one year. At the end of the four year period the PhD thesis must be completed. The salary starts at € 1.933 gross per month in the first year, up to € 2472 gross per month in the fourth year. Next to this we offer a broad package of excellent secondary benefits.


For further information about this research area and PhD. position you can contact dr. I. Jenniskens, senior researcher, email: c.g.m.jenniskens at utwente.nl, tel. +31 (0) 53 - 4892352.


You can send your written application, including full CV and possibly references, to prof. dr. P.J.J.M. van Loon, dean, Faculty of Business, Public Administration and Technology, P.O. Box 217, 7500 AE, Enschede. You can also send your application by email to Ms. I. Büter-Snijders (email: c.m.buter-snijders at utwente.nl). A list of subjects and marks needs to be provided. Applications should be received before October 30th, 2006, stating vacancy number 06/108. 

More info at http://www.utwente.nl/vacatures/vacatures_externe_werving/06-108-eng.doc/

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