CFP: Using Technology for Innovation and Knowledge Sharing in SMEs (IJKMS)

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Wed Oct 11 09:23:05 CEST 2006

International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies  (IJKMS)
Call For Papers
Special Issue on: "Using Technology for Innovation and Knowledge Sharing
in SMEs: Sociotechnical Approaches"
Deadline: 7 February, 2007

Guest Editors:
Dr. Elayne Coakes, University of Westminster, UK
Dr Yanqing Duan, University of Bedfordshire, UK
Wafi Alkaragouli, University of Westminster, UK

A sociotechnical approach has proven to be a good guide for
organisations, consultants, practitioners and theorists to investigate
and support knowledge development, sharing and management activities.
This is because it considers the major challenges facing organisations
in a highly competitive and knowledge-intensive economy: joint
optimisation; autonomous working; appropriate organisation structure;
culture; group task support; self-determination; and human resources
management, including reward systems and authority structures.

The focus of this Special Issue is to extend understanding of how, and
whether, web-based technology in particular, is suitable for supporting
innovation and knowledge sharing in SMEs at inter- and
intra-organisational levels, whilst taking a sociotechnical perspective
of this area.

When social and technical systems within an organisation achieve
consonance, the organisation will achieve greater productivity (Beekun,
1989). In addition, corporate entrepreneurship may be defined as the
promotion of innovation in an uncertain environment, and innovation as
the process that through its products, service, and processes, adds
value and novelty to the organisation, its suppliers, and customers.
Research suggests that more than 85 percent of new product ideas never
make it to market, and of those that do, 50 to 70 percent fail. Enablers
highlighted in the literature typically include strategy,
infrastructure, processes, and supportive management culture. Thus it
would seem sociotechnical perspectives can assist innovation, as could a
suitable infrastructure.

SMEs are in an especially difficult position for innovation as their
resources are more limited than larger enterprises and thus they might
need greater support in their entrepreneurial activities. 'Market fit'
requires innovation in product, service, supply or process. ICT can
provide support for this innovation in multiple ways: e.g. it can
provide the e-market outlet; it can support the service/product supply
chain and associated processes; and it can assist in innovation

We are keen to examine and extend our audience's understanding of the
social and technology elements of an organisation that support knowledge
transfer and sharing for innovation and innovation development. We are
looking for papers that address the problems experienced in SMEs in
relation to knowledge sharing and innovation, and how sociotechnical
solutions can overcome/assist understanding, and can develop better
methods for the organisation. We would especially welcome papers that
address trust and culture within the social elements. We would expect
papers to concentrate on web-based technology for any technical
solutions or support offered.

Subject Coverage

This special issue will look for practical sociotechnical approaches
that can assist practitioners, academics, researchers, and students, in
the design and implementation of such KMS for SMEs. An international
perspective would be welcome.

Appropriate themes might thus include (but are not restricted to), a
sociotechnical perspective on:

* Knowledge management systems
* Systems failures
* Implementation issues
* Design and development issues including requirements and stakeholder
* Innovation in SMEs
* Knowledge sharing in SMEs
* HRM issues for innovation and knowledge sharing
* Technology and its role
* Culture and trust
* Critical success factors

Editors and Notes

You may send one copy in the form of an MS Word file attached to an
e-mail (details in Author Guidelines) to the following:

Dr. Yanqing Duan
The Business School
University of Bedfordshire
Luton LU1 3JU
Email: yanqing.duan at

with a copy to:

IEL Editorial Office
E-mail: ijkms at

Please include in your submission the title of the Special Issue, the
title of the Journal and the name of the Guest Editor

Questions about this Special Issue, including expectations,
requirements, appropriateness of topic and the like, may be directed to
Elayne Coakes on coakese at

More info at

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