CFP: Entrepreneurship and Religion (IJESB)

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Thu Aug 17 11:00:24 MESZ 2006

Call for Papers - International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small
Business  (IJESB)
Special Issue on: "Entrepreneurship and Religion"
Deadline: 31 December 2006

Contributions are invited to a special issue of IJESB that attempt to
relate the essential characteristics of entrepreneurship to the general
concept of moral progress. Contributions should be mindful of the
ideological dimensions of entrepreneurial practices and the associated

Entrepreneurship involves the human abilities to incubate an idea,
design a new synthesis (the entrepreneur's plan), assemble resources and
coordinate action.

Moral progress can be envisaged in many ways but contributors should be
mindful of the fundamental dualism that pervades the entire literature
on business and society, business ethics and left vs. right leaning
politics (e.g. single vs. double bottom line etc.)

Subject Coverage

Contributions are particularly welcomed that relate components of this
"dualism" to the theory and practice of entrepreneurship, e.g.

    * value priorities
    * ethical theories
    * known strengths and limitations of market-based systems
    * wealth-creation and poverty-alleviation, etc.

Editors and Notes

You may send one copy in the form of an MS Word file attached to an
e-mail (details in Author Guidelines) to:
E-mail: Leo.dana at

with a copy to:

IEL Editorial Office
E-mail: ijesb at

Please include in your submission the title of the Special Issue, the
title of the Journal and the name of the Guest Editor.

More info at

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