TOC: JBV Vol. 21 # 6

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Tue Aug 15 10:04:19 MESZ 2006

Table of Contents - Journal of Business Venturing
Volume 21, Issue 6, 2006

When does corporate venture capital investment create firm value?
Pages 753-772
Gary Dushnitsky and Michael J. Lenox

How venture capitalists respond to unmet expectations: The role of social environment
Pages 773-801
Annaleena Parhankangas and Hans Landström

What you are is what you like - similarity biases in venture capitalists' evaluations of start-up teams
Pages 802-826
Nikolaus Franke, Marc Gruber, Dietmar Harhoff and Joachim Henkel

Growth of industry clusters and innovation: Lessons from Beijing Zhongguancun Science Park
Pages 827-850
Justin Tan

Bootstrapping in small firms: An empirical analysis of change over time
Pages 851-865
Jay Ebben and Alec Johnson

New business start-up and subsequent entry into self-employment
Pages 866-885
Lars Kolvereid and Espen Isaksen

Service-for-equity arrangements: Untangling motives and conflicts
Pages 886-909
James Henderson, Benoit Leleux and Ian White

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