POSITIONS: Brisbane Graduate School of Business

entrepreneurship-phd at lists.uni-due.de entrepreneurship-phd at lists.uni-due.de
Tue Jul 11 13:26:52 MESZ 2006


Get a head start in your academic career! The Brisbane Graduate School
of Business (BGSB) at Queenland University of Technology, Australia,
offers the opportunity to spend 12 months as salaried Post Doc at our
school. This position will be filled by a young researcher with a
completed (or right now very near completed) Ph.D., who aspires to
contribute to the international research frontier in entrepreneurship
and/or innovation, and who has already shown promise of such ability. No
or very limited teaching will be expected. 

When BGSBs MBA program made the Financial Times top 100 list in 2004 it
was the first in Queensland to ever do so, and only the third in
Australia. It was also the first in the country to achieve "Triple Crown
Accreditation" (AACSB; AMBA; EQUIS). BGSB is now determined to firmly
establish itself among international elite also in research and is
rapidly making progress towards reaching this ambitious goal. For
example, we have recently been awarded the largest business/economics
Discovery Grant in the country by the Australian Research Council, and
Entrepreneurship & Innovation has also become a recognized research area
with internal funding from the Faculty of Business. We have had recent
hits in journals like Strategic Management Journal; Journal of
Management Studies; Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice; Journal of
Business Ethics, and many others; we have multiple acceptances at the
2006 Babson (BCERC) and Academy of Management conferences, and we will
shortly host the regional BCERC equivalent, the AGSE Entrepreneurship
Research Exchange. We have an increasing number of research students in
entrepreneurship, and we enjoy an increasing number of visiting
academics in this field.  

It is this vibrant, pioneering, upward-trajectory environment that we
want one young and ambitious researcher to contribute to and benefit
from for 12 months in 2007 (possibly starting in 2006 already). The
position would give the right candidate an excellent opportunity to
develop thesis- or other already on-going work to published papers as
well as to get involved in new projects in collaboration with members of
our staff. Office and computer facilities will be provided. BGSB
benefits from QUT's excellent library resources, which give electronic
access to a very large number of journals.
BGSB is located at the Gardens Point campus in the central parts of
Brisbane, the capital of Queensland, Australia. Brisbane is a growing
and vibrant city with easy access to the tourist heavens of the Gold and
Sunshine coasts as well as the rainforest parks in the hinterland. 
The Post Doc salary is currently AUD 60 850 per annum (1 AUD is approx.
0.75 USD). Costs of living in Australia are reasonable.
Interested candidates should contact BGSB's Research Director, Professor
Per Davidsson (via email per.davidsson at qut.edu.au) BEFORE JULY 31, 2006,
with a brief note containing the following information: a) time and
place where PhD was/is being earned, b) title of thesis as well as main
theory and methodological approach used in the thesis work; c)
publications and conference presentations so far, d) intended use of
Post Doc time, e) specific reason for wanting to spend a Post Doc year
with BGSB. 

Applicants must have finished their Ph.D. before taking up the position,
and should preferably be able to start in January 2007 at the latest. 

Per Davidsson 
Professor in Entrepreneurship 
Brisbane Graduate School of Business 
Queensland University of Technology 
Gardens Point Campus, Brisbane 
4001 Queensland 
Ph: +617 3864 2051 
Fax: +617 3864 1299 
email: per.davidsson at qut.edu.au 
CRICOS No. 00213J

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