entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Mon Jul 3 17:58:39 MESZ 2006

IECER - Call for Papers
The 5th Interdisciplinary European Conference on Entrepreneurship Research in Montpellier – France

Conference Theme: “Entrepreneurship and the Region”
Doctoral Workshop: February 27, 2007
Conference: February 28 to March 2, 2007
Deadline: October 2, 2006

Montpellier Business School – France (Groupe Sup de Co Montpellier – France)

Who should attend this conference?
Entrepreneurship scholars in Europe, conducting basic research in business, economics, geography, psychology, sociology or other fields to present and discuss their research findings across disciplines with other experts. The conference calls for contributions on various issues of entrepreneurship. However the theme of the IECER 2007 “Entrepreneurship and the Region” gives special attention to the relationship between regional factors and entrepreneurship. This conference will not include papers on entrepreneurship education.

Submissions for research papers (conference and the doctoral workshop) are welcome on the following and similar topics:
• Environment (entrepreneurship and regional development; regional start-up conditions for entrepreneurship; regional context as a success factor; regional networks and infrastructure; etc.),
• Antecedents (entrepreneurial orientation; opportunity recognition; etc.),
• Types of entrepreneurs(hip) (high-tech venturing; female entrepreneurship; entrepreneurship out of unemployment; social entrepreneurship; etc.),
• Entrepreneurial process (human resource management; growth strategies; organizational development in young firms; competitive strategies),
• Entrepreneurial finance (venture capital, business angels; etc.)
• Types of firms (high tech start-ups, family firms; etc.),
• Outcomes (Individual, organizational, regional key success factors; etc.),
• Entrepreneurship research (epistemology, theory & methodology).

Organizers of the conference:
For the IECER 2007, the founders of the conference offered the opportunity to Montpellier Business School (Groupe Sup de Co Montpellier - France, GSCM) to organize the IECER conference. GSCM will jointly host the conference with the management research laboratory ERFI/ISEM of Montpellier I University (Equipe de Recherche sur la Firme et l’Industrie).

Dr. Frank Lasch, Associate Professor
Montpellier Business School - France
(Groupe Sup de Co Montpellier)
2300, Avenue des Moulins - 34185 Montpellier
Cedex 4, France
Phone +33 - Fax +33
flasch at

Dr. Frédéric Le Roy, Professor
University of Montpellier I, ISEM/ERFI &
Montpellier Business School
Espace Richter, Bât. E, Rue Vendémiaire - CS
F-34 960 Montpellier Cedex 2
Tel.: +33 - Fax: +33
frederic.le_roy at

Prof. Dr. Michael Dowling
Innovation and Technology Management,
University of Regensburg
D-93040 Regensburg
Tel.: +49 941.943.3226 - Fax: +49 941.943.3230
michael.dowling at

Prof. Dr. Jürgen Schmude
Economic Geography,
University of Regensburg
D-93040 Regensburg
Tel.: +49 941.943.3618 - Fax: +49 941.943.3617
juergen.schmude at

Principal members of the scientific commitee (chair Michael Dowling): Jürgen Schmude, Frank Lasch, Frédéric Le Roy, Annabelle Jaouen, Sylvie Sammut, Olivier Torrès. Logistics and coordination : Annabelle Jaouen, Corine Delesalle & Sylvie Sammut

Abstracts for conference papers must be submitted electronically via email by October 2, 2006 to Michael Dowling at: michael.dowling at

Abstracts and Conference papers:
A maximum of a three page structured abstract must be submitted electronically by email (Introduction, methodology, results, discussion, theoretical/empirical/methodological advances of contribution, literature). The file should be named after the last name of the first author. After notification of acceptance, a full paper must be submitted four weeks before the conference (see important dates below).

Doctoral consortium:
PhD students are invited to submit a three pages outline of their doctoral research, with the same structure as paper abstracts. Special attention should be given on the methodology, the expected results and the theoretical/empirical/methodological advances of their research. The doctoral consortium will be held on the first day of the conference for a maximum of 12 participants. The file should be named after the last name of the student. After notification of acceptance, a full paper must be submitted four weeks before the conference (see important dates). Applications for the doctoral consortium must be submitted electronically via email by October 2, 2006 to Frank Lasch at: flasch at

Best paper award:
There will be a conference best paper award of €1000 for the best research paper presented at the conference.

The conference language is English.

Conference publication:
A selection of papers will be published in a special issue of the International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business. Authors are invited to apply the editorial guidelines (

Important Dates:
Submission of Abstract: October 2, 2006
Notification of Acceptance: December 1, 2006
Submission of Full Paper: January 31, 2007
Registration and payment: February 19, 2007

For attendees the fee including the social event and the conference banquet is 300€. For presenters, students or doctoral students the fee is 150€.

Please check out the IECER websites for further information:

Please use the following address for registration: iecer2007 at

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