CFP: Special Issue on Globalization of Entrepreneurship in Small Organizations (SBE)

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Wed Jun 21 10:10:47 MESZ 2006

Small Business Economics (SBE)
Special Issue: Globalization of Entrepreneurship in Small Organizations
Guest Editors:  Professor Domingo Ribeiro and Professor Salvador Roig
University of Valencia, SPAIN
Deadline: February 28, 2008

Issue 6, volume 33 in 2009 will be devoted to the study of the globalization of entrepreneurship in small organizations. The link between entrepreneurship and small business, and vice-versa is a relatively recent one, although studies by Vesper (1974), along with the International Symposium on Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Development that appeared in Ohio in June 1975, were among the first scientific sources to indicate the presence of such a relationship. In this issue, we will attempt to analyze the current state of this relationship in the face of new factors that characterize today's international economic climate. The idea that small and medium-sized organizations can adapt more easily to changes in the environment due to their more manageable size and can compete perfectly with large organizations through specialization and networks provided by new technology has been widely demonstrated in recent years Changes that have affected the market and businesses, such as the sweeping tide of globalization, must be analyzed and documented in the near future so that the empirical studies and theories expounded in this special issue may constitute a guide for researchers, scholars, consultants, entrepreneurs, businessmen, managers, government agencies, policy makers and practitioners pertaining to a multi-disciplinary forum in the field of business.  The issue will deal with the diverse and complex characteristics of entrepreneurship in small organizations focusing on both the for-profit and non-profit areas in SMEs in local, regional, national or international markets that lead to competitiveness in the face of the effects of globalization.

Small organizations are the most common type of firm to be found in the present global economy. Porter indicated that the success of SMEs under the effects of globalization depended on the formulation and implementation of strategies. Some of these strategies take the form of marketing and innovation. Marketing strategy may be better supported when management has an entrepreneurial bias. Small businesses represent a path towards innovation as Acs and Audretsch have shown in their extensive research (Acs and Audretsch, 1990; Audretsch, 1995). Thus, as Schumpeter also pointed out, small organizations are a vehicle for entrepreneurship. Manuscripts that deal with entrepreneurial orientation and innovation among SMEs affected by globalization would be suitable for this special issue.

Editors urge authors to pose research that makes significant contributions to the literature. Such research includes developing and testing core elements of existing theories, resolving conflicting predictions from multiple theories, or integrating different theories, propositions, contributions and findings. This can be done using different samples or measures, to then seek conclusions that break new ground and provide a major and lasting impact. Submissions could report on single-country studies or multiple country comparisons.  In particular we would welcome articles on:

- Interfaces between small business and entrepreneurship, and vice-versa in the present global market
- Entrepreneurship as an economic development strategy for small organizations
- Educational entrepreneurship in small business
- Institutional aid and policy initiatives to entrepreneurship in small organizations
- Small business and entrepreneurship networks
- Promoting entrepreneurship in emerging economies
- Specific management practices that small organizations need to utilize to achieve entrepreneurship
- Interdisciplinary approaches to the study of entrepreneurship in SMEs
- Entrepreneurship and its relation to human resources in small business
- Innovation in small organizations
- Ethical context of entrepreneurship in small business
- Small franchisor organizations
- Entrepreneurship in the small not-for-profit sector
- Implications of management in the entrepreneurial small public-sector
- Comparison of entrepreneurship development in countries
- Entrepreneurship training for emerging small organizations
- Entrepreneurship in microenterprises
- New tendencies and research in entrepreneurship and small business

Researchers interested in publishing in this special issue on "The Globalization of Entrepreneurship in Small Organizations" should indicate their intention by sending an abstract (or better the full paper) that includes a short introduction to the topic, an outline of the research methodology, and a summary of the findings to the Guest Editors, Professor Domingo Ribeiro, at domingo.ribeiro at, or to Professor Salvador Roig, at salvador.roig at, no later than February 28, 2008.  The full paper is due no later than June 30, 2008.  Please clearly identify your submission in the email subject line, SBE- The Globalization of Entrepreneurship in Small Organizations. All papers must be based on original material not under consideration by any other journal and will go through the regular double-blind review process to ensure its relevance and quality. The submitted papers must follow the SBE Style Guidelines (,11855,4-166-70-35745940-0,00.html?detailsPage=contentItemPage&contentItemId=141825&CIPageCounter=CI_FOR_AUTHORS_AND_EDITORS_PAGE1). This special issue will be published in 2009.

Enquiries concerning this call should be made to: 

Domingo Ribeiro or Salvador Roig, University of Valencia-Facultad de Economía, Campus de los Naranjos, Avenida de los Naranjos, 46021 Valencia, Spain. Email to domingo.ribeiro at or salvador.roig at; Fax: 34 963 828 333

Acs, Zoltan J.and David B. Audretsch, 1990, Innovation and Small Firms, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.
Audretsch, David B., 1995, Innovation and Industry Evolution, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.
Vesper, Karl H., 1974, ´Entrepreneurship, a Fast Emerging Area in Management Studies´, Journal of Small Business Management 12, 8-15.

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