CFP: Responsible Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Development - IJEBR

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Wed Mar 22 16:10:09 MEZ 2006

Call for Papers - International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour &
Research (IJEBR)
"Responsible Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Development"
Deadline: 14 February 2007

International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research seeks
papers for a special issue on "Responsible Entrepreneurship for
Sustainable Development (RESD)." Guest Editors are Chris Seow, Senior
Lecturer in Quality, University of East London, Business School, United
Kingdom; and Nigel Roome, Daniel Janssen Chair of Corporate Social
Responsibility, Solvay Business School, Free University of Brussels,
Belgium, and Chair of Sustainable Enterprise and Transformation, Erasmus
University Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Prospective authors should e-mail
their article to the Guest Editor Chris Seow, seow at by 14
February 2007.

Recently, there has been a noticeable growth in the adoption of the
notion of environmental responsibility within the global business
community. Environmental responsibility can be defined as actions that
seek to limit, ameliorate, or prevent damage to the existing natural
environment that arise from a company's activities. It includes efforts
to improve the quality or quantity of environmental resources and
processes. This is now often seen as part of the wider practice of
corporate social responsibility and as a form of innovation.
Entrepreneurship represents one of the most important driving forces for
innovation, to increase market efficiencies, respond to changes and
opportunities in the context of business or to lead with new
technological, social and institutional processes, such as new business
models. Responsible entrepreneurship therefore plays a major role in
improving the efficiency of resource use, reducing risks and hazards,
minimising waste, safeguarding environmental qualities and connecting
environmental and business goals. Responsible entrepreneurship provides
the ground to ensure the economic success of an enterprise by the
inclusion of environmental and associated social considerations into an
organisation's strategic and operational activities. It means satisfying
present and future customer demands, whilst also managing the
expectations of a diverse set of other stakeholders such as employees,
suppliers, and the community around which a company operates. It implies
a positive contribution to societies' environmental context by managing
an enterprises' environmental impacts. Under some circumstances it can
bring direct benefits to business through resource efficiencies or as a
basis for innovation that secures long-term competitiveness. 

Despite the rhetoric, Responsible Entrepreneurship for Sustainable
Development is at best at an exploratory stage, as it requires new
knowledge or departures from existing skills and their integration with
established business models, processes and routines. At the extreme it
involves the reconfiguration of established business thinking. This call
for papers seeks to highlight issues and practices surrounding how
organisations practice responsible entrepreneurship for sustainable
development. Papers that are conceptual or empirical, and
case-study-based or industry-wide-based are welcome. Contributed papers
may deal with, but are not limited to: 

*  Cleaner Production. 
*  Corporate Citizenship. 
*  Environmental Stakeholder Policy. 
*  Humanity and Enterprise. 
*  Managing Strategic Alliances and Outsourcing for Corporate
*  Measurement Systems and Performance Frameworks for Sustainability. 
*  Responsible Enterprise Development. 
*  Stakeholder Outreach. 
*  Strategic Frameworks for Operationalising Sustainability. 
*  Tools and Techniques to Develop Product and Process Stewardship. 

This call for papers invites the submission of original manuscripts.
Authors should not submit previously published papers, or those under
consideration for publication elsewhere. The call for papers employs a
double blind peer review process. Articles for this call are expected to
be "academic" in terms of rigour, but "managerial" in terms of
readability and content. Papers are therefore invited from both research
and practice. Prospective authors should e-mail their article to the
Guest Editor Chris Seow, seow at by 14 February 2007. All
manuscripts submitted by the submission deadline will be reviewed by the
Guest Editors. Authors will be notified of the initial short list by 14
April 2007. Full papers should be 4000-7000 words in length although
shorter papers, particularly from practitioner authors, will be
considered. This call for papers adheres to the author guidelines as
stipulated in the International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and
Research (IJEBR) , where the special issue will be published.
Preliminary notification of acceptance will be by 31 August 2007. The
Guest Editors in consultation with the Editor of IJEBR will make all
final decisions as to the suitability of manuscripts for this Special
Issue. This Special Issue is scheduled to be published in 2008.

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