ANNOUNCE: Insights into European innovation

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Wed Feb 1 14:35:00 MEZ 2006

Insights into European innovation

The European Commission is looking for academics to further explore the
Union's innovation statistics. Building on the existing European
Innovation Scoreboard (EIS), young researchers or Master-level students
can help to develop new analyses of Europe's innovation performance. The
aim is to develop correlation analyses, understand new dimensions to
innovation, find links with a range of economic and social indicators,
and conduct time series analyses in order to increase our knowledge of
what drives European innovation.

The European Innovation Scoreboard was developed by the European
Commission and the University of Maastricht to evaluate innovation
performance in Europe. The 2005 edition was presented on 12 January 2006
and benefited from wide media coverage and recognition among
stakeholders in Europe. The EIS can be found on the Trendchart website
( which is accessed by some 7,000 visitors per month.

Interested candidates are invited to contact the unit for Innovation
Policy Development in the Directorate-General for Enterprise and
Industry for further details. In 2006, the three best papers (maximum of
20 pages) will be published on the Trendchart website together with the
European Innovation Scoreboard and accompanying thematic papers. Authors
of particularly remarkable work may be invited to contribute to a
specific chapter in the EIS and present their results at a European
Commission workshop.

Contact address: entr-innovation-policy-development at

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