CFP: Entrepreneurial and Small Business Branding (QMR)

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Mon Jan 30 09:06:55 MEZ 2006

Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal:
Special Issue on Entrepreneurial and Small Business Branding

The closing date for paper submissions is May 31st 2006.

The joint editors for the Special Edition of QMR invite paper
submissions on the interdisciplinary theme of Entrepreneurial and Small
Business Branding. There is an evident need for interdisciplinary
research in the areas of entrepreneurial and small business branding
because of the requirements for the quality of decision-making and
decision taking with regard to firms and their markets. This
fundamental serves as the impetus for developing an innovative focal
area on entrepreneurial and SME branding in the knowledge economies by
converging issues on the importance of researching markets.

In the context of branding, corporate identity and reputation, there
are opportunities where this Special Edition of QMR can explore
innovative research.

Scholarly conceptual and empirical papers are encouraged. The issues to
consider with regard to improving qualitative market research for
decision-making could include topics such as:

* The impact of branding on successful corporate venturing and
* Creativity, innovation and SME branding
* The role of branding policy in developing relevant and
  appropriate brand value propositions for entrepreneurial and
  start-up firms
* Incorporating consumer's perspective into brand value
  proposition in view of limited resources available to SMEs
* Developing and nurturing corporate identity and reputation in
  early stages of SME developments.
* Incorporating growth and related organizational change to brand
  and corporate identity development in SMEs
* Developing and supporting corporate branding e.g. architecture
  when organizational structures are not yet in existent and
  subject to redesign by management.
* Branding as an exit strategy for venture entrepreneurs
* The role and impact of brand equity on successful IPO (Initial
  Public Offering)
* Entrepreneurial branding: Reducing market uncertainty and

QMR aims to further the frontiers of knowledge and understanding of
qualitative market research and its applications. Special Edition
Editors, Drs Temi Abimbola and Christine Vallaster would welcome your
contributions to this exciting area of research and submissions that
uses qualitative approach.

Submitted manuscripts must not have been published, accepted for
publication, or presently under consideration for publication elsewhere
and will be subject to a double-blind peer review. Electronic
submission is expected via email in Word format, with all manuscripts
following the QMR guidelines (

The target publication date for this special issue is Winter 2006.
Questions and further clarifications, article submissions should be
directed to: Temi Abimbola, UCE Business School, UCE Birmingham, B42
2SU, UK. Email: temi.abimbola at or to Christine Vallaster,
Balanstrasse 16/2, 81669 München, GE. Email:
christine.vallaster at

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