TOC: Small Business Economics Vol. 25 #5

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Fri Jan 13 14:55:07 MEZ 2006

Table of Contents - Small Business Economics
Volume 25, Issue 5, 2005

Windfalls, Wealth, and the Transition to Self-Employment
Pages 407 et seqq.
Yannis Georgellis, John G. Sessions, Nikolaos Tsitsianis

Are Small Firms Really Less Productive?
Pages 429 et seqq.
Erol Taymaz

How SME Uniqueness Affects Capital Structure: Evidence From A 1994-1998
Spanish Data Panel
Pages 447 et seqq.
Francisco Sogorb-Mira

What Drives Micro-Angel Investments?
Pages 459 et seqq.
Markku Maula, Erkko Autio, Pia Arenius

R&D, Size and Firm Growth in Taiwan's Electronics Industry
Pages 477 et seqq.
Chih-Hai Yang, Chia-Hui Huang

Still Searching (Systematically) for Entrepreneurial Discoveries
Pages 489 et seqq.
James O Fiet, Alexandre Piskounov, Pankaj C. Patel

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