ANNOUNCE: Doctoral Workshop on International Entrepreneurship

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Wed Jan 11 14:44:24 MEZ 2006

Doctoral Workshop in International Entrepreneurship
May 19-21, 2006
Atlanta, GA USA
Deadline for Applications:  March 7, 2006

Organized and Sponsored by:

Georgia Institute of Technology
* Center for International Business Education & Research
* Center for Entrepreneurship
* College of Management	

Georgia State University
* Institute of International Business
* Herman J. Russell, Sr. International Center for Entrepreneurship 	

University of Minnesota
* Center for Entrepreneurial Studies
* Strategic Management and Organization
* Carlson School of Management 


International Entrepreneurship is an area of increasing scholarly
interest focused on (1) the discovery and enactment of opportunities for
new goods and services that cross national borders and (2) the
cross-national comparison of entrepreneurial activity.  The Workshop
will provide an opportunity for 20-25 doctoral students who are
interested in pursuing research and teaching in International
Entrepreneurship to:

* Meet senior scholars in the area and discuss with them the most
current research being conducted in International Entrepreneurship.
* Discuss shared interests and current work in International
Entrepreneurship with like-minded doctoral students from a variety of
* Explore academic career opportunities in International
* Join the expanding community of scholars studying International

This will be the seventh year of this very successful Workshop.  We
emphasize interaction among the faculty and students, and we encourage
collaborative work after the Workshop is over.  Please consider joining
this enthusiastic group of scholars.

Some of the senior scholars attending:    

Pat Dickson (Georgia Institute of Technology), Marian Jones (University
of Glasgow), Karen Loch (Georgia State University), John McIntyre
(Georgia Institute of Technology), Ben Oviatt (Georgia State
University), Becky Reuber (University of Toronto), Harry Sapienza
(University of Minnesota), Sri Zaheer (University of Minnesota), Shaker
Zahra (University of Minnesota), and others.  

Admission requirements:
Applicants for admission must be currently enrolled in doctoral studies
and have completed at least one semester.  The selection committee will
be especially interested in applications that show a focus on
entrepreneurship and a clear interest in international issues.  The
selection committee will also be interested in admitting doctoral
students from a variety of universities. Preference is given to
applicants who have never before attended; we will, however, accept
applications from past attendees who still qualify as active doctoral

The Workshop:
The Doctoral Workshop in International Entrepreneurship will begin on
Friday evening May 19, 2006 with a reception and dinner.  It will
continue on Saturday, May 20, from 8am until 5pm with sessions in which
senior scholars and participating doctoral students discuss their
current research and future interests.  The Workshop will conclude at
noon on Sunday, May 21, after sessions that morning on building a career
in International Entrepreneurship.  

The Workshop takes place in Atlanta, Georgia, home of CNN, The Home
Depot, and other internationally successful entrepreneurial businesses.
Late May is a beautiful time of the year to visit Atlanta. 

Fees, Expenses, and Financial Aid:
Shortly after being admitted, doctoral students must pay a $75
registration fee.  All participants will be responsible for their own
travel, lodging, and associated expenses. However, some participants
will, upon admission, be offered stipends that may range from
approximately $200 to $600 to help pay expenses.  Students may book
lodging for approximately $130 per night per room at the Workshop hotel.
We will facilitate room-sharing arrangements among students so the
lodging price may be reduced.  Workshop sponsors will provide dinner on
Friday, lunch Saturday, and light breakfasts on Saturday and Sunday.
Applicants should provide evidence of their airfare to Atlanta (e.g.,
travel agent documents, Travelocity price, or airline website price) and
a statement of how much financial assistance will be provided by their

Interested doctoral students should, by March 7, 2006,  E-MAIL three

(1)	a letter of no more than 2 pages that demonstrates strong
interest in entrepreneurship and international issues, including a clear
statement of where they are in their doctoral program of study (e.g.,
one semester completed, dissertation proposal complete), a postal
address, university affiliation, telephone, fax, and e-mail address.  
(2)	a brief biographical sketch (about a half page) to be
distributed to other participants.  
(3)	an estimate of (a) airfare to Atlanta and (b) financial help
from applicant's university.

Finally, students should arrange to have a letter E-MAILED from their
Dean, advisor, or other university official assuring us that the they
are in good standing in a university doctoral program.
These materials should be E-MAILED to:  Mr. James Hoadley, Associate
Director, Georgia Tech CIBER, Georgia Institute of Technology, College
of Management, Atlanta, Georgia  at james.hoadley at
(Telephone: 404-894-4379).

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