CFP: Special Issue of Industrial and Corporate Change

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Thu Oct 13 15:13:30 MESZ 2005

Call for Papers:
Special Issue of Industrial and Corporate Change 
Theme: The Rise of Entrepreneurial Activity at Universities:
Organizational and Societal Implications
Deadline: February 1st, 2006

Guest Editors:
Donald S. Siegel-Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (sieged at
Mike Wright, University of Nottingham (mike.wright at
Andy Lockett, University of Nottingham (andy.lockett at

In recent years, we have witnessed a dramatic rise in technology
commercialization at universities. There has also been a substantial
increase in public investment in science parks, incubators, and other
property-based institutions that facilitate the transfer of technology
from universities to firms. While licensing has traditionally been the
most popular mechanism for commercialization of university-based
intellectual property, universities are increasingly emphasizing the
creation of new companies. These trends have critical organizational and
societal implications, which this special issue seeks to address. 

Research Questions
Some research questions that might be addressed in this ICC special
issue include:
- What is the nature and dynamics of university-industry collaboration? 
- How does university-industry technology commercialization differ
across fields/disciplines? 
- Does university-industry commercial collaboration constitute a
substitute or complement to corporations' own research efforts? 
- How does the rise of entrepreneurial activity at university affect the
traditional academic culture of "open science"? What will the long term
effects be for universities? 
- What is the impact of university commercialization on economic growth
at the regional and national levels?
- What is the nature of clusters of university and other research based
- What impact do differences in national policies, with respect to
intellectual property rights involving university research, have on
technology commercialization and entrepreneurial activity at

Submissions are invited from scholars in economics, sociology, political
science, public administration, strategy, entrepreneurship, technology
and innovation management and other relevant areas. Both quantitative
and qualitative articles are welcomed, as well as cross-country
comparisons. Articles will be reviewed according to standard ICC
procedures. Following an initial round of external reviews, authors who
receive a revise and re-submit will be invited to present their papers
at a special issue workshop, to be held in conjunction with the 2006
Technology Transfer Society Meetings at Georgia Tech.

Papers must be submitted electronically in Word compatible format to Don
Siegel (sieged at or Mike Wright (mike.wright at by
February 1st, 2006. Authors should prepare manuscripts in accordance
with ICC guidelines (see
<> ). For further information, please contact
the guest editors. 

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