From: E. J. Reedy []
Date: Tue 17.05.2007 16:15

2007 Kauffman Symposium on Entrepreneurship and Innovation Data
November 2 and 3, 2007
Kansas City, MO

The Kauffman Foundation is pleased to announce the 2007 Kauffman Symposium on Entrepreneurship and Innovation Data. The Symposium will present an overview of 20+ new data sets of interest to the research community. While attendance at the Symposium is open, seating is limited.  Interested participants are encouraged to RSVP <>  early. If you will be unable to join us in Kansas City, an online proceedings <>  of papers and electronic media from the event will be available.

The Kauffman Foundation sees the creation and distribution of data sets on entrepreneurship and innovation as a critical aspect of our efforts to foster a deeper understanding of entrepreneurship and to catalyze entrepreneurial success.


E.J. Reedy  ||  Research and Policy  ||  Kauffman Foundation  ||  4801 Rockhill Road  ||  Kansas City, MO 64110  ||  816.932.1078  ||  816.751.6866 (fax) ||  <>