CFP: Immigrant Entrepreneurship in a Global Business World (TIBR)

entrepreneurship-phd at entrepreneurship-phd at
Wed Dec 12 09:07:51 CET 2007

Call for Papers - Thunderbird International Business Review
Special Issue on Immigrant Entrepreneurship in a Global Business World
Deadline: 15 June 2008
Immigrant entrepreneurship is a phenomenon that has drawn an increasing
attention from researchers and management practitioners in recent years.
Actually, if one should admit that immigrant entrepreneurship has always
existed and is intrinsically related to the migrations flows over time,
its development today is impressive. In particular, in some western
countries like U.S. immigrant entrepreneurship is booming with a very
speaking rate of start-up (Morris, 2000). Hence, it's not surprising
that the researchers try to understand it better. Some of the subjects
they addressed in the existing literature are particularly relevant.
Ibrahim and Galt (2003) proposed a model of three dimensions according
to which immigrant entrepreneurship has cultural, economic and
institutional explanation. Evans (1989) underlined the critical
importance of the size of the immigrant community of the host country in
the development of immigrant entrepreneurship. Morris, Schindehutte and
Lesser (2002) pointed out the influence of values on immigrant
entrepreneurship. Despite those interesting contributions, the
phenomenon of immigrant entrepreneurship is still a phenomenon that is
not well known. For instance, the researchers didn't address the
influence of women in the businesses of their immigrant entrepreneur
husbands. Yet that influence is of significant importance. Moreover, in
US for instance, there are more and more women that are immigrant
entrepreneurs and the existing literature doesn't report anything about
it. Many questions about immigrant entrepreneurship are still unanswered
and the present special issue of Thunderbird International Business
Review (TIBR) proposes to address some of them through the following

1) Immigrant entrepreneurship, internet and global start up
How do the new information technologies affect the businesses of
immigrant entrepreneurs? At which extent they contributed to the
emergence of global start up in the businesses of immigrant

2) Immigrant entrepreneurship, Small Multinational Companies and
international alliances.
What are the challenges faced by immigrant entrepreneurs who expand
their business abroad? Is their home country a critical destination for
their international activities? Do immigrant entrepreneurs use
international alliances to expand on international markets? What is the
size of their foreign partners?

3) Immigrant entrepreneurship in global environment, favorite
businesses, success and failure
Is there any specific industry in which immigrant entrepreneurs tend to
do business? What are the success and failure factors of immigrant
entrepreneurs who go abroad?

4) Women immigrant entrepreneurship and global business
Do women immigrant entrepreneurs extend their businesses in foreign
countries? What are the motivations that lead immigrant women to become
entrepreneurs? What is their profile? Is their profile different from
the one of male immigrant entrepreneurs? What is their success rate
compared to the one of male immigrant entrepreneurs?

5) Gender role international expansion of the businesses of immigrant
What is the role played by women in the internationalization of the
businesses of their immigrant husbands? Do they influence the strategic
goals and the vision of their immigrant entrepreneurs husbands or do
they just serve as administrative assistant?

6) Process of immigrant entrepreneurship and internationalization
How the idea of starting a small business comes into the mind of the
immigrant entrepreneurs? Is it innate, a cultural initiative or a
solution of last resort after a failure to integrate the job market?
What is the internationalization model that they follow when they expand
The guest editors for this special issue are Elie Chrysostome at
SUNY-Plattsburgh and Howard X. Lin at Ryerson University. Send your
articles by e-mail to: chrysoev at

Contact Info:
Elie Chrysostome
phone: 518-564-3876
fax: 518-564-4215
email address: chrysoev at
- Address -
School of Business and Economics
State University of New York
Plattsburgh, NY 12901
United States

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